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March 21, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

The ASMDA Annual Luncheon Committee is responsible for planning and executing the association’s annual luncheon. The luncheon is held annually in the late January, early February timeframe at varying venues including the Von Braun Center North Hall, U.S. Space and Rocket Center (USSRC), Saturn V Hall/Davidson Center and the Jackson Center. The purpose of the luncheon is to bring together the membership of the association to 1) Introduce the incoming Board of Directors and Association Officers. After the introduction of the nominees, the outgoing President calls for a voice vote to approve the incoming Board and Officers; and 2) Honor the ASMDA Performance Award winners. The luncheon also includes a guest speaker, which is traditionally the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (USASMDC).

The committee chair, with support from committee members, is responsible for securing the event venue and managing logistics for the day of the event including coordinating with: the Communications/Publicity committee to set up registration and publicity; the Technical/Performance awards committee chair to register and seat awardees and secure awards portion of event script; and the Nominating Committee chair to include the correct information regarding outgoing and incoming Board of Directors and Association Officers for the script. The Committee Chair works closely with the outgoing and incoming Association Presidents to develop and execute the script and agenda for the day. The day of the event committee members help to greet guests, seat awardees and their guests, as well as Government and community VIPs at reserved tables.

As part of the ASMDA sponsorship process, the committee is responsible for soliciting sponsorships for the luncheon. There are 4 levels of sponsorship available for the event: 1. Presenting Sponsor – $1500; 2. Gold Sponsor – $1000; and 3. Silver Sponsor – $750; and Bronze Sponsor – $500.

The Presenting sponsor will: 1. Have their company logo on the event banner and all marketing and informational materials; 2. Be formally recognized by the ASMDA Board Chairman during their remarks; 3. Have one reserved table at the front of the venue. Sponsorship form is included as Attachment K.

Gold level sponsors will: 1. Have their company logo on the event banner and all marketing and informational materials; 2. Be formally recognized by the ASMDA Board Chairman during their remarks; 3. Have one reserved table near the front of the venue. Sponsorship form is included as Attachment L.

Silver level sponsors will: 1. Have their company logo on the event banner and all marketing and informational materials; 2. Be formally recognized by the ASMDA Board Chairman during their remarks; 3. Have one reserved table. Sponsorship form is included as Attachment M.

Bronze level sponsors will: 1. Have their company logo on the event banner and all marketing and informational materials; 2. Be formally recognized by the ASMDA Board Chairman during their remarks; 3. Have one reserved table. Sponsorship form is included as Attachment N.

Within 14 days of completion of the ASMDA Annual Luncheon, the chairman of this activity will provide a paragraph, and possibly pictures to the ASMDA President and the Website Committee Chair for publication on the ASMDA website.


March 21, 2024
11:00 am - 1:00 pm




The Jackson Center
6001 Moquin Drive
Huntsville, AL 35806 United States
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